Monday, June 2, 2014

June 1, 2014

Site paving is installed along with fire lane painting required by the City.  The concrete crews are working on mechanical pads and our site contractor is working on final grading.  Framing will be starting this week.

Monday, May 19, 2014

May 15, 2014

We have had a few rain days, but the pictures below show the progress we are making on the fire lane and associated paving for the parking.  Once the fire lane is complete we will be able to start framing.

 Thickened concrete for dumpster pad

 Roof drain system

Friday, May 2, 2014

May 1, 2014

The building pad has been poured and the lime stabilization for the fire lane is complete.  We have gas, water, and electricity to the building.  Our concrete guys started working on forming up the site paving on the south side of the project.  Paving will take a few weeks and then we'll be ready to start framing.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

April 17, 2014

Our underslab utilities are in and we were able to pour the building slab.  We started working on the fire lane which we need to complete before we start framing.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

March 31, 2014

Our final grade beam pour was this past week.  The utility contractor passed their water test and are in the process of raising the fire hydrants.  The plumbing and electrical contractors finished their underslab utilities.  Planks will be ready to start pouring next week.  Final grading of the site paving areas is underway and we'll begin paving later this month.

 South grade beams poured.  North side being formed.

 Final grade beam pour

 UFER clamp installed

 Underslab floor drains installed

 Gas line being installed

SW manhole was demoed and getting ready to repour

Sunday, March 16, 2014

March 15. 2014

We were able to make our storm water connection into the existing retention pond and we're still plugging away on the grade beams.

Berm at pond

RCP going into pond

Storm water manhole forming

42" head wall poured

Pond cleaned out

Rebar at grade beams

February 28, 2014

We continue to make progress on the site utilities.  We've also been able to get the building's grade beams dug and started pouring at the end of the month.

 Electric sleeves
 RCP completed at tie in
 Mud sill being placed
 East site manhole poured
 Digging grade beams
 Plumbing sleeve
 Grade beams dug
Hairpins and bolts being installed